Amenities - Other Facilities
Financial Assist to Below Poverty Line Students
The maximum students of the villages of Gagriyan and Saujiyan are below poverty line. To motivate the education for Below Poverty Line Students of Gagriyan – Saujiyan a sum of total Rs. 1,60,868/- has been provided to Below Poverty Line Students of Army Goodwill School, Gagriyan – Saujiyan as financial assistance to the students who included in Below Poverty Line through Operation Sadbhavana for providing free books and stationery to the children of BPL parents. This include note books, writing material, school bags and other essential items needed by a child everyday in school.
Provision of Furniture, Teaching aids and charts 
To upgrade the education in the Army Goodwill School at Gagriyan, Saujiyan provided furniture, teaching aids and charts for a cost Rs. 2,00,000/- through Operation Sadbhavana. These teaching aids will go along way in improving ascimilitation of new concepts by the students. The new furniture was needed to replace old and damaged ones in the class rooms.
Provision of books and stationery items
Education is the single most important factor in development of human resource of a nation. The village of Gagriyan and Saujiyan in District Poonch is one of the remotest, impoverished and economically underdeveloped areas. An Army Goodwill School was established in Gagriyan - Saujiyan under Operation Sadhbhavana by the Army in year 2010. There are below poverty line students, who cannot afford expenditure of tuition fees, books and stationery items. In view of the above, a sum of Rs 1,60,868/- has been expended through Operation Sadbhavana to provide books and stationery items as financial asstance to Below Poverty Line students.

Computer lab
In the era of information technology where computers not only helps with day to day work but also to connect with the world, computer education is a must for all. The school has a fully equipped computer lab and qualified staff. The aim of the computer lab is to impart practical knowledge of computers to all students.
Re-imbursement of tuition fees
A sum of Rs 450000.00 has been allotted to AGS Gagriyan - Saujiyan for payment of tuition fee to BPL students for the FY 2016-17.